Greek government on an attempt to disrupt the local tourism sector's labour market
Greek government on an attempt to disrupt the local tourism sector's labour market
  Economy  |  Tourism  |  Greece

Greek government on an attempt to disrupt the local tourism sector's labour market

The joint ministerial decision was published in the government gazette
RE+D magazine

The list of industries that are allowed to "import" labor force from third countries for seasonal work is growing.

Specifically, it was published in the government gazette under no. 24424/07.03.2023 joint decision of the Ministers of Labour, Immigration, Shipping and State by which the tourism sector is added to the list of employment sectors in which, in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 11 of Law 4251/2014 (Official Gazette A' 80), the regulations for the admission to the country of citizens of third countries for the purpose of seasonal work are applied.

K.Y.A. (Government Gazette B΄ 1314) provides that "the list of employment sectors of par. 3 of article 11 of Law 4251/2014 (A' 80), to which the regulations for the admission of citizens of third countries for the purpose of seasonal work and covers the sectors of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and is complemented by the tourism sector".